Sunday, June 1, 2008

Welcome to my [BLOGGER] space, its like myspace but better!

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Beginning of June, End of multimedia! [Mpi104_2008 review]

I've finally been able to upload my athene webpage onto the internet.
click HERE to visit my new athene webpage.

What have i learnt from the multimedia subject over the course of the semester?
I have gain valuable skills and education in the field of multimedia this semester. At the start of the course i was clueless about what the internet had to offer me, i only used it for social purposes such as facebook, bebo and msn messenger. as the week went by, our lecturer Damian taught us that the internet has more uses than we really think. He also educated us on how various webpages are made and the page elements that make them up. To start off the course each one of the course member was required to create their own Blogger account, we learnt that blogger was a free weblog publishing tool from Google, for sharing text, photos and video across the web free of charge, in other words it was our own personal page where we were able to post up comments and blog entries on anything we like. Throughout my blogger site i have uploaded things such as youtube videos, pictures, newsreel and many other miscellaneous elements, however the main purpose for this having a blog in this topic was to post up comments on each topic that we learnt about in the upcoming weeks.

- The next week we created our very own flickr account [click here to view my flickr account], this was a free webpage that allowed me to upload and store photos of anything i like, it is basically an online photo album which is really handy as i would be able to upload and have access to my photos anytime i want via the internet. I currently have 19 photos uploaded and plan to upload many more in the future.
- We them learnt about was [click here to view my account] This was a social book marking place where my collection of favourite websites were stored in a organised manner through the use of tags. enabled me to keep links to my articles, blogs, music and many more sites through the web, it also allowed me to share my favourite pages with friends and family. I have now bookmarked over 40 websites.

After creating 3 accounts for different uses we now learnt more about the technical stuff such as:
- CSS [cascading style sheet] was what placed everything into order. without the use of CSS we are left without style and control over the documents presentation. CSS is what separates the document content [written in HTML or similar markup language] to the document presentation [written in CSS].
- Templates are the various custom made layouts which gives the webpage designer control over the page aesthetics and the overall design.
- FTP [File Transfer Protocol] is used to exchange files over the internet [file transfer]
- RSS [Really Simple Syndication] is a webfeed whcih delivers regular changing web content such as blog entries, podcasts and other news related sites. In my blogger i have RSS feeds from three different sources which can be found on the left hand side of my page, these include feeds from the MPI104_2008 blogger page, the band "Franz Ferdinand" and my very own Athene webpage [Click here to view my Athene Webpage]
-TECHNORATI is an internet search engine used for tracking blogs, it is currently tracking 112.8 million making it more popular than google, yahoo and ice rocket. I have registered for an account and added a technorati page element to my blog.
- Counters are computer programs which are used for tracking down the number of visitors who visit your webpage, it also shows how popular your page is. I got my free counter from easy hit counters and currently have over 165 page hits.
- LAST of all i now have my OWN ATHENE WEBPAGE. I made it using my Athene account and the apple program iweb. I then uploaded it onto the internet through Fetch.

Overall I have learnt so much from the Mpi104 course this semester and look forward to learning much more in the future =]


Saturday, May 31, 2008

1 step closer to completing the mpi104 2nd assessment...

AT LAST... i finish creating my athene webpage and it doesn't look too bad lol. all i need to do now is to go down to to the Jackcross centre tomorrow morning and upload it onto the web as i do not have Fetch. hopefully iv'e covered all aspects of the second assessment and to continue booking webpages on, adding photos to my flickr account and write a summary of what i have learnt this semester in the mpi104 class.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


unfortunately i haven't been able to retrieve my forgotten password for my flickr account, so after trying every single password i have ever use and having the page locked for 14hrs. I've given up and created a new flickr account.
here is the link to my NEW & IMPROVED Flickr account.This is also the link to my old account
i hope you enjoy looking at my pics =]

Maroon 5 feat. Rihanna - If I Never See Your Face Again

Communication art magazine

Current Issue: 2008 May/June Issue $8 (U.S)
i bought mine for $20 from Borders book store in Rouse Hill...what a ripoff! great magazine though...

The May/June issue offers feature articles on Toronto's Westside Studios, where many of Canada's top photographers work; the Minneapolis design studio of Aesthetic Apparatus; New York illustrator Yuko Shimizu; as well as a detailed look at the innovative graphics for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing; the many facets of online advertising; and a selection from the 2007 EULDA awards. CA's regular columns offer insightful commentary on typography, business, creativity, design trends, advertising, design culture and design issues. This is one issue you won't want to miss!

here is the link to the [communication arts homepage]

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Web counters or Hit counters keep a record of how many page views the webpage has received. These counters are computer software programs that indicate the number of viewers who have entered the page. Not only does the counter have a purpose, it also aims to improve the aesthetic look of the page by allowing web designers to choose from various fonts, style and sizes. The number is usually displayed as an inline digital image or in plain text. Web counters are commonly used to alert web users of the pages popularity; however this can at times be misleading. A webmaster could start the counter at a high number to give the impression that the site has been established for quite some time now. Increase number of hits could also persuade users that the page is more genuine due to its popularity shown through the number of visitors who have visited the webpage.


Recently we learnt about Technorati. Technorati is an internet search engine used for tracking blogs. Technorati has currently tracked over 112.8 million weblogs. Its popularity has now put it in competition with various world-known internet search engines across the web, such as Google, Yahoo and IceRocket. Technorati looks at tags that authors have placed on their websites. These tags help categorize search result, with recent results coming first. The searches on Technorati often results in more up-to-date news than google however be cautious of the many results on Technorati for many of them are spam blogs, also known as “splogs”

According to their about page, Technorati currently tracks over 112.8 million blogs. Every time one of those blogs writes something new, they send a ping to Technorati, telling them they've posted something new along with some tags and basic information about the post. Technorati immediately adds that post to every search for any of those tags.


The initial RSS are used to refer to Really Simple Syndication, however many web users also refer to this abbreviation as standing for Rich Site Summary. Never the less, RSS is a web feed format which delivers regular changing web content such as blog entries, podcasts and any other news-related sites.

RSS is a problem solver for those who regularly use the web. It enables web users to easily be alerted and stay informed about the latest news by retrieving the content from the numerous sites that they are mostly interested in thus saving time on visiting those many sites individually. All the updated content from multiple web sources are stored in one place. Web users therefore are able to remain anonymous and their privacy is ensured for there is no need for them to join each site’s email newsletters to gain constant updates.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol. It is a protocol used to exchange files over the internet. Like HTTP [Hypertext Transfer Protocol], it is able to transfers web pages from a server to a user's browser and SMTP [Simple Mail Transfer Protocol], for transferring emails across the internet. FTP is an application protocol which uses the Internet's TCP/IP protocols to enable data transfer. Web users can use FTP to exchange files between computer accounts, to transfer files between an account and a desktop computer, or to access software archives on the Internet.

FTP aims to
- promote sharing of files between users
- Keep track of files
- Transfer data reliably and efficiently

On the Mac’s we will use a program called “Fetch” as our FTP client

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Welcome to my updated page!

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MPI104 - The journey so far...

'Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.'
- Albert Einstein

The multimedia course - MPI104, has taught me a great deal about the internet. So far i've learn't how different webpages work and are created. I now appreciate the amount of time, effort and all the significant minor details that goes into developing such pages which give advantages to users from all around the world. This course has benefited me in many ways. I now have my very own:
Google account, Flickr account, account & Blogger account. These are all great pages and are now apart of everyone else's as well as my own life.

Gmail is my new sophisticated email account which doesnt spam me with junk mail unlike other email accounts like hotmail and yahoo

Flickr is now my new photo album, which is accessible via the internet from any computer at any time. My three favorite images would be the old pics from highschool, which brings back a lot of fun memories of being a teenager.

I have made numerous bookmarks on my favorite pages using which makes it easier by scrolling down the list and finding the site which i want to go to. these include: Youtube...Deviant art..French Connection UK...

With blogger, i have made 10 posts and will continue on as it gives me a chance to share with others my thoughts, opinions and interests. Blogger has become apart of my social life together with other webpages such as facebook and bebo. Along the way i have also picked up a few of the HTML codes taught in class:

HREF: URL you are linking to
NAME: name a section of the page
TARGET: what frame to go to

Mpi104 has allowed all the students taking the course to interact with each other, comments can be made to voice opinions and share thoughts on the subject area, such as the one i commented on toms page (not me..but someone else in the same MPI104 class)
Ive also been educated on how Css [cascading Style Sheet] and template elements are an essential asset to web page developers.

Page goes under renovation...

CLUBLAND12! out now

Tonight ive learnt how to set an image as my background wallpaper of my blogger page, thanks to my mate kelvin who sent me a link which teaches and gave me a brief tutorial on how to improve and add an aesthetic look to my webpage.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The use of templates in web pages and bloggers allows the owner of the page to customise it to make it their own. With numourous designs, fonts, text colours, pictures and layouts to choose from, the choices and selections of these elements are almost . Templates and CSS are similar both in their own way. whilst CSS are codes to create certain colours, background and images, templates are already custom made and ready to be selected. There wide range of layouts are designed to suit the way in which you want your page to look. this enable the owners of the page to once again have control over the documents presentation.

My blog is set in the way i like it, however i plan to change the font colour and template in the future as i may get bored of the black background in contarst with the white writing.

What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cacading style sheet and is designed to enable the separation of document content (written in HTML or a similar markup language) from document presentation (written in CSS).
The use of colour, fonts, layouts and other elements are used to enhance the presentation of a doucument. Without the use of CSS we are left without STYLE and CONTROL over the documents PRESENTATION. CSS style information can be either attached as a separate document or embedded in the HTML document. The use of style in a web page is made up of various is an example of how it works:
h1 { color: white; background: orange !important; }

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 is a collection of yours and everyone else's favorite sites is used to:

  • Keep link you to your articles, blogs, music, reviews, recipes, and more, and allows you to access them from any computer on the web.
  • Share favorites with friends, family, coworkers, and the community.
  • Discover new things. Everything on is someone's favorite -- they've already done the work of finding it. So is full of bookmarks about technology, entertainment, useful information, and more. Explore and enjoy. is a social bookmarking website -- the primary use of is to store your bookmarks online, which allows you to access the same bookmarks from any computer and add bookmarks from anywhere, too. On, you can use tags to organize and remember your bookmarks, which is a much more flexible system than folders.

You can also use to see the interesting links that your friends and other people bookmark, and share links with them in return. You can even browse and search to discover the cool and useful bookmarks that everyone else has saved -- which is made easy with tags.

Here is a link to my new account:

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Flickr is a Great...
Its a free of charge web page that allows you to store your own and view other peoples photos. Its just like having a photo album online where you are able to access it anytime via internet.

heres a link to some of my old School pictures which i have uploaded recently:
Old School

Thursday, March 6, 2008

First Blog entry

Welcome to my first blog...

╠═║║║╬║??? the names TOM!!!
ive recently moved to Wagga to attend Charles Sturt University..
its been a great change for me over the past month, moving from the hectic city to the peaceful yet boring country life..
although im looking forward to going back to Sydney, so i can go back to my old life where everything was so convenient. The city life is the best!

below is a link to one of the biggest grand openings of a new club in sydney.

GRAND OPENING PRECINCT@stadium [metro theatre]

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A new start in Wagga Wagga
Missing the Beach...
...Hating the bush