Saturday, April 26, 2008

Welcome to my updated page!

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MPI104 - The journey so far...

'Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.'
- Albert Einstein

The multimedia course - MPI104, has taught me a great deal about the internet. So far i've learn't how different webpages work and are created. I now appreciate the amount of time, effort and all the significant minor details that goes into developing such pages which give advantages to users from all around the world. This course has benefited me in many ways. I now have my very own:
Google account, Flickr account, account & Blogger account. These are all great pages and are now apart of everyone else's as well as my own life.

Gmail is my new sophisticated email account which doesnt spam me with junk mail unlike other email accounts like hotmail and yahoo

Flickr is now my new photo album, which is accessible via the internet from any computer at any time. My three favorite images would be the old pics from highschool, which brings back a lot of fun memories of being a teenager.

I have made numerous bookmarks on my favorite pages using which makes it easier by scrolling down the list and finding the site which i want to go to. these include: Youtube...Deviant art..French Connection UK...

With blogger, i have made 10 posts and will continue on as it gives me a chance to share with others my thoughts, opinions and interests. Blogger has become apart of my social life together with other webpages such as facebook and bebo. Along the way i have also picked up a few of the HTML codes taught in class:

HREF: URL you are linking to
NAME: name a section of the page
TARGET: what frame to go to

Mpi104 has allowed all the students taking the course to interact with each other, comments can be made to voice opinions and share thoughts on the subject area, such as the one i commented on toms page (not me..but someone else in the same MPI104 class)
Ive also been educated on how Css [cascading Style Sheet] and template elements are an essential asset to web page developers.

Page goes under renovation...

CLUBLAND12! out now

Tonight ive learnt how to set an image as my background wallpaper of my blogger page, thanks to my mate kelvin who sent me a link which teaches and gave me a brief tutorial on how to improve and add an aesthetic look to my webpage.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The use of templates in web pages and bloggers allows the owner of the page to customise it to make it their own. With numourous designs, fonts, text colours, pictures and layouts to choose from, the choices and selections of these elements are almost . Templates and CSS are similar both in their own way. whilst CSS are codes to create certain colours, background and images, templates are already custom made and ready to be selected. There wide range of layouts are designed to suit the way in which you want your page to look. this enable the owners of the page to once again have control over the documents presentation.

My blog is set in the way i like it, however i plan to change the font colour and template in the future as i may get bored of the black background in contarst with the white writing.

What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cacading style sheet and is designed to enable the separation of document content (written in HTML or a similar markup language) from document presentation (written in CSS).
The use of colour, fonts, layouts and other elements are used to enhance the presentation of a doucument. Without the use of CSS we are left without STYLE and CONTROL over the documents PRESENTATION. CSS style information can be either attached as a separate document or embedded in the HTML document. The use of style in a web page is made up of various is an example of how it works:
h1 { color: white; background: orange !important; }