Sunday, June 1, 2008

Welcome to my [BLOGGER] space, its like myspace but better!

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Beginning of June, End of multimedia! [Mpi104_2008 review]

I've finally been able to upload my athene webpage onto the internet.
click HERE to visit my new athene webpage.

What have i learnt from the multimedia subject over the course of the semester?
I have gain valuable skills and education in the field of multimedia this semester. At the start of the course i was clueless about what the internet had to offer me, i only used it for social purposes such as facebook, bebo and msn messenger. as the week went by, our lecturer Damian taught us that the internet has more uses than we really think. He also educated us on how various webpages are made and the page elements that make them up. To start off the course each one of the course member was required to create their own Blogger account, we learnt that blogger was a free weblog publishing tool from Google, for sharing text, photos and video across the web free of charge, in other words it was our own personal page where we were able to post up comments and blog entries on anything we like. Throughout my blogger site i have uploaded things such as youtube videos, pictures, newsreel and many other miscellaneous elements, however the main purpose for this having a blog in this topic was to post up comments on each topic that we learnt about in the upcoming weeks.

- The next week we created our very own flickr account [click here to view my flickr account], this was a free webpage that allowed me to upload and store photos of anything i like, it is basically an online photo album which is really handy as i would be able to upload and have access to my photos anytime i want via the internet. I currently have 19 photos uploaded and plan to upload many more in the future.
- We them learnt about was [click here to view my account] This was a social book marking place where my collection of favourite websites were stored in a organised manner through the use of tags. enabled me to keep links to my articles, blogs, music and many more sites through the web, it also allowed me to share my favourite pages with friends and family. I have now bookmarked over 40 websites.

After creating 3 accounts for different uses we now learnt more about the technical stuff such as:
- CSS [cascading style sheet] was what placed everything into order. without the use of CSS we are left without style and control over the documents presentation. CSS is what separates the document content [written in HTML or similar markup language] to the document presentation [written in CSS].
- Templates are the various custom made layouts which gives the webpage designer control over the page aesthetics and the overall design.
- FTP [File Transfer Protocol] is used to exchange files over the internet [file transfer]
- RSS [Really Simple Syndication] is a webfeed whcih delivers regular changing web content such as blog entries, podcasts and other news related sites. In my blogger i have RSS feeds from three different sources which can be found on the left hand side of my page, these include feeds from the MPI104_2008 blogger page, the band "Franz Ferdinand" and my very own Athene webpage [Click here to view my Athene Webpage]
-TECHNORATI is an internet search engine used for tracking blogs, it is currently tracking 112.8 million making it more popular than google, yahoo and ice rocket. I have registered for an account and added a technorati page element to my blog.
- Counters are computer programs which are used for tracking down the number of visitors who visit your webpage, it also shows how popular your page is. I got my free counter from easy hit counters and currently have over 165 page hits.
- LAST of all i now have my OWN ATHENE WEBPAGE. I made it using my Athene account and the apple program iweb. I then uploaded it onto the internet through Fetch.

Overall I have learnt so much from the Mpi104 course this semester and look forward to learning much more in the future =]
